But what he didn’t know was that all the way along, he was that beautiful loving, caring angel that he saw in her.
He was kind and gentle, generous at heart. He simply had forgotten that.
Because after years of conditioning, of being stuck in his mind, in his ego’s plan, he portrayed the masculinity of what is perceived to be a masculine man. He wasn’t tough or aggressive, but he conformed to the norms. He realized this way he fitted with the mob.
So, he drank and he sang and he did all those things young men are meant to do as a teen.
Even if he didn’t want to.
It was a façade, a mere game.
He wasn’t into it, but neither did he know.
He didn’t know he was complying to society’s rules.
So, he did what he did, stuck in a rut, until slowly, awakening, he got rid of his guard.
No longer needed, he could expose his heart.
This time, even if he were to be hurt, at least he would be real, honest with himself, because he knew he was abiding by a power greater than his own mind.
So, he did that- exposed his heart, took off his helmet and his guard and realized that life was so much more simple.
There was beauty everywhere. A symphony of heaven-sent music tuned into the beautiful cords of a silent guitar that played a melody which reached straight into the heart.
It was there for anyone ready to hear it.
You simply had to let go and let God.
For those in your journey of awakening (as we all are!), I hear you.
For those who are past the ego trap, I see you.
For those who are standing tall in God’s might, I’m with you!
May peace, love & blessings come your way.
We are the beautiful warriors, the next generation of soldiers of God.
Stand tall, guard your ground and be protected, for the power and might that the ego might throw at you will not be powerful enough to shake God.
To all you Warriors Of Peace,
May It be.
Much love,