Whatever happened to that wild woman who was not afraid of the Darkness?
That woman who danced in the wildness, naked, truly aligned with God?
Whatever happened to that tribe of women who gathered together in unison with Source?
I want my Tribe of gatherers, of whisperers of the night.
May this Tribe appear for me, so that the sisterhood wound evaporates. So that in presence, our essences dissolve. So that we no longer fight to empower ourselves but instead rejoice, dance together and have fun.
Whatever happened to this girl that once became a woman?
May this Tribe of dancing women appear next to me, unravelling the mysteries of life in the night.
May we dance under the stars, hold each other in our arms, talk about life and love, mysteries and potions.
May we rejoice for each other’s happiness and cry for our sorrows and sadness.
May we come together in peace, harmony and love for the betterment of Humanity.
Because we don’t need any more wounded women who keep each other apart.
We don’t need any more revolutions.
We need a Tribe of wolf-howlers.
All we need is love.
In this Sisterhood of Divine Encounters, let our sisters become One with Love so that in their falling in the Divine Grace they find what it is to be supported and heard.
May this Tribe of beautiful women lead the new way and exist, so that the whole world can hear healing, inhale it, immerse in it and allow it to bring peace.
May this existence be possible.
Thanking God for it.