Hello world! This is my first entry to the blog of my site Live In Peace (L.I.P).
In this site you will learn more about me & what it is that I do. Venturing in this solo is a new experience for me. Even though I started & run my business Aligning Therapies on my own, I had always intended to do it as a partnered venture. It didn’t turn out, because as I came to understand,
And so it is in you too, dear reader. No matter where outside of yourself you are searching for it - whether in a relationship, a romantic endeavor, whether through shopping or acquiring the next new thing… Maybe you put all your efforts into doing the right thing or pleasing others on their own terms, not knowing that society's laws won’t get you to the Beautiful Light that resides within.
You have a magnificent gem within and you probably don't even know it exists!
You are already Creator. Creator is within.
So why waste more time & energy in searching for happiness, love & perfection outside of yourself?
The more you tune into yourself, the more you will realize you are part of the Cosmos and the Cosmos Itself. Words can't really explain because it has to be lived rather than theorized, indeed. It is a unique experience that can be felt within your own unique blueprint.
Surrendering to your Purpose comes from within.
You have a unique blueprint, a unique definition of how you see the world.
And see, my dear, that is your GIFT!
So go out into the world and utilize it by giving it away and helping others find their inner gems. The Light shines from within.
Hoping I can help you in your world of relationships, so you too can grow, learn & evolve through my contagious passion.
For couples counselling, card readings, Teenage Girls Circles, Mens Circles & other shenanigans, refer to my Services tab, and/or get in touch!
I’d love to help you out!