I have been contemplating much recently on how small I have made myself to fit other's requirements.
Today, the Universe inspired me to B E L I E V E IN M Y S E L F again.
We, the bringers of Change have come here for a reason. We are
W I L D, we are F R E E. We do not fit the molds of this inhibitory scenery because we are here to create a Bigger Picture that we can see.
It has been taken me much knowledge, unawareness and present awareness, to unveil the gifts that I have come here to bring. I am still in the process of Making, but the Inner Goddess is rising from within.
Those voices that were once stopping me no longer abide by the reality that they were once given. The seat on the table has been removed from them in order to make space for a much beautiful version of the Self.
If you too are hearing the calling, then jump onto the Cause. We are here as embracers, remembering Humanity's Higher Consciousness, bringers of the change.
Happy to assist and answer any questions that may arise in your journey to Inner Peace.
With much love,