There are two consciousnesses in essence.
There is the consciousness of fear and the consciousness of love.
When we tap into fear, we create out of God.
When we tap into God, we tap into the whole.
There is a veil that has been created within us so that we cannot access God.
When we are in this vessel, tapping into these lower frequencies create separation, fear and lack.
When we are in God, we feel whole. We work for one another, we create in the name of love.
Tapping into this higher essence means creating as a whole. It means dis-identifying from who you think you own, so you can re-charge by being in God.
In God, we are essence. Everything is simple. We simply are.
We serve one another, coming from love.
The more we tap into this higher frequency, the more we affect the whole.
Otherwise, what is happening is that we are recreating what we are- God-sent essences that are being trapped by fear and lack. When finding ourselves in this loop-hole it is hard to get out because all we are worried about is how to survive. We cannot tap into serving one another because our fear is scared of losing its thought. Without that thought essence, it wouldn’t exist and hence the identity that is attached to it would disappear.
Hence, the ego holds onto its dear life. This lower vibrational frequency wants to be separate and not in God. When in God, it disappears into the whole.
Don’t you think there is a Bigger Dream- a Grander Essence that connects everyone to that whole?
Don’t you think that by accessing it and tapping to it we can positively influence the greater God?
Don’t you think that living this way is a better reality than living from a state of fear, lack and mistrust?
Who are you lying to when you stay stuck in your separation if not God?
Why perpetuate a system that keeps us all separate instead of tapping into that Higher God?
Why are we allowing that fear of disappearing and being one with Oneness rule this show?
Is it not now time to reverse the cycle and go back to God?
Thoughts to ponder, because God is enough.
You are God-enough and that’s the whole point in the show. Your contribution is valuable, your essence is whole, your serving affects others creating positive benefits, when others are positively affected you reap the benefits of that whole.
So, would you litter a house you live in?
Would you dirty a place that’s yours?
Will you keep separating, segregating and living in survival mode or will you tap into the higher essence of serving to be one with God?
The choice is yours, beloved, it always is yours.
At any time, you can change the game plan by tuning into serving instead of serving separation, lack, fear and mistrust.