'I weep for Narcissus, but I never noticed that Narcissus was beautiful. I weep because, each time he knelt beside my banks, I could see, in the depths of his eyes, my own beauty reflected.'
'What a lovely story,' the alchemist thought.”
― Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist
Empaths Created Narcissists.
Read that again.
The moment we judge or criticize someone, we are coming at them from an egotistical perspective of separation and from a self-righteous vantage position of superiority.
We are not here to save anyone because everyone is already saved. We are merely here to raise awareness so that we can all tap into a Higher Vibration, no matter where we are at at the energetic level of mind, body & spirit.
Emotionally there is a great deal of work to be done on the debris of the individual and collectively we will only be purged as each individual raises their own vibration and releases the tendency to gossip, judge & berate, which only enslaves us more and attaches us to the ego paradigm.
If we are here to Ascend, we are here to acknowledge and accept that we once were there, that we have also hurt, that we are not perfect and can also be condemned.
Empaths created Narcissists as much as victims created bullies.
It can be hard to acknowledge this but it is a first step in a long journey of becoming aware.
Turn it around and it too can be said that Narcissists created empaths.
Are so-called empaths who judge Narcissists trying to be saviours? Where is this judgement coming from, if in essence the trait that defines an empath is that of being sensitive to another’s feelings, mind, thoughts….
A real empath would feel that a Narcissist gets upset by the label because he/she feels being judged as inferior due to their lack of sensitivity, unawareness or lack of ability to put themselves on somebody else's shoes AT THAT POINT IN TIME.
When we label people, we stick them into boxes and condemn their behaviours as if they were Who They Are.
There is a distinct differentiation between a behaviour and a state of being.
A repetitive Narcissistic behaviour comes from a place of pain and hurt.
Coping mechanisms were set in place, in order for the ego to not get hurt. A child only knows what he learns. Learning that you cannot be yourself, because you will be mocked, berated, criticized, judged or shut down, does not leave anyone in a very happy state of mind.
Narcissists were once innocent, raw, vulnerable young adults. They too cared and put their heart in the line.
Helping someone requires compassion. Sticking a label only perpetuates the condition and behaviour we are criticizing, allowing for the Narcissistic behaviour to remain unhinged.
Labelling yourself as an empath and criticizing, judging, condemning a Narcissist for being selfish, in my point of view notes an inability to accept that you are selfish too. Maybe in your own nature you are trying to cover yourself, but, aren’t you then becoming selfish by taping into your ego's surviving mechanisms and people pleasing ways?
When we acknowledge we are all part of a One and we are not here to save anyone, we can let go of the labels of Narcissism and Empath, which seem to be perpetuating the game of separation and self-righteous belief that Narcissists should be punished instead of being helped to heal.
Empaths need healing as much as Narcissists do.
We are all empaths.
We are all Narcissists.
There is a thin line and a thin veil that separates one from the other.
Whoever said empaths are better and Narcissists are worse, helped to co-create the stigma against Narcissism and perpetuate this trait's inability to heal and overcome an egotistical state.
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Relationships From The Ego To The Divine,
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